Enabling ASDM Access On Management Network

pixfirewall> enable
pixfirewall# configure terminal
pixfirewall(Config)# interface ethernet1
pixfirewall(Config-if)# nameif inside
pixfirewall(Config-if)# ip address
pixfirewall(Config-if)# no shutdown
Activate ASDM and enable http server.
pixfirewall(Config)# asdm image flash:/asdm.bin.
pixfirewall(Config)# http server enable.
Open a connection for your PC. Example your pc IP address is
pixfirewall(Config)# http inside
Make sure all your config running properly.
pixfirewall(Config)# show running http
http server enabled
http inside
Now your Cisco ASA/PIX can be access from your PC.
Make sure your PC and Firewall has connected and open your web browser then enter this address

Converting Cisco 7912 to SIP

Converting 7940/7960 to SIP is a walk in the park compared to converting a 7912. In order to convert the phone I had to:

  • Point the phone to my tftp server and allow it to download the correct firmware. I used cp7912080000sip060111a
  • Then I found and edited the "sipexample.txt" file that came with the firmware to work with my SIP setup
  • Then I tried to run cfgfmt.exe on "sipexample.txt" but it told me that it could not find ptag.dat so I had to rename the file "sip_ptag.dat" that came with the firmware to ptag.dat for the tool to convert the text file into a binary file.
  • Finally i placed the binary file named gkMAC_ADDRESS in root of the tftp server and restarted the phone. My tftp server already had a binary copy of gkdefault.txt on it or otherwise I would have had to convert that file to binary with the tool and place it on the tftp server as well