
Wrote a customer Rsyslog.conf file to parse output from edgewater's edgemarc devices.

Things to remember:
using the optimized mysql module ommysql.

The following rule is what writes to the SystemEvents table using the default template
*.*     :ommysql:,Syslog,syslogwriter,

I need to start rolling /var/log/messages

RT Exchange Loop

When someone submits a reply or ticket from a no-reply email address it is creating an email loop even with RT's StoreLoop enabled.

The email get sent in to create the reply. RT attempts to acknowledge it got the reply by responding to the reply. It delivers an outbound email to exchange which tries to deliver the email to the no-reply email address. Google comes back and says there is no account for that no-reply address. Exchange sends an email to RT saying that it will not continue to attempt to deliver this message. RT responds to this email. Enter loop.